Short Story

Maria is a three-year-old girl who is suffering from metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma of the neck-mediastinum. Even though she has been subjected to the required chemotherapy rounds, the mass of the neck-mediastinum hasn’t shrunk one bit. According to the treatment protocol, little Maria needs to be subjected to a surgical resection of the tumor. However, since the tumor surrounds nerves and blood vessels, none of the hospitals in Greece is willing to perform this surgery. The child was referred to a team of surgeons in Paris, who specialize in cases like hers, while they have already agreed to perform the surgery.

We have reached our funding goal for Maria! The little girl will soon travel to Paris, where she will fight the biggest battle of her life!

by test test

  • 32.760,00 

    Funding Goal
  • 64.943,92 

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

test test

138 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

Maria is a three-year-old girl who is suffering from metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma. Until recently, the little girl was perfectly healthy. Last summer however, Maria began to vomit, and as days went by, her neck would get more and more distended. Her parents took her to the hospital, where she was immediately admitted, in order to be subjected to diagnostic tests. 2 weeks later, the little girl was diagnosed with metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma of the neck-mediastinum, which had already spread to the left shin and the parietal bones. Little Maria was immediately subjected to the required chemotherapy rounds, and even though the treatment plan managed to eliminate the cancer cells that were located to the bones, the mass of the neck-mediastinum hadn’t shrunk one bit. According to the treatment protocol, the next step would be the resection of the tumor. However, the tumor has been deemed inoperable, due to the fact that it surrounds nerves and blood vessels, therefore none of the hospitals in Greece is willing to perform this surgery. The child was referred to a team of surgeons in Paris, who specialize in cases like hers, while they have already agreed to perform the surgery.

The family’s health insurance is willing to cover the cost of her surgery and hospitalization. However, Maria’s parents need our help, since they don’t have the means to cover the cost of their transportation, nor their food and lodging expenses for the period that their daughter will be hospitalized in France. The little girl still has a long way ahead of her, but we are confident that she will soon win the battle!

Little Maria needs to fight for her life at such a young age. She is only three years old! If she is not subjected to the surgery fast, there is a good chance of another metastasis!

We have the power to send her to Paris!

One small gesture can save her life!


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You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “For Maria 3 years old”


Piraeus Bank

Account number: 5222091702771

IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771




National Bank

Account number: 21000630539

IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539




Alpha Bank

Account number: 701002002030506

IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506




  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF90917199000267826782678 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “For Maria 3 years old”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.


  • 27-03-2023

    We have reached our funding goal for Maria! The little girl will soon travel to Paris, where she will fight the biggest battle of her life!

    We have reached our funding goal for Maria! The little girl will soon travel to Paris, where she will fight the biggest battle of her life!
    Our love and compassion became a bridge of life and thanks to all of you out there, the little girl will soon travel to Paris in order to fight for her life! In just a few days, we have managed to gather the amount required for the family’s transportation and lodging in France.
    Maria is a three-year-old girl who is facing cancer (metastatic ganglioneuroblastoma of the mediastinum) and is fighting for her life at such a young age.
    Due to the location of the tumor, this case cannot be treated in any hospital of the country, therefore the little girl needs to be immediately transferred to France, where a team of specialized surgeons has already agreed to take on this high risk surgery.
    Your immediate response has been overwhelming, while the little girl’s parents are extremely grateful for the defining part you have played in their daughter’s rescue.
    We would especially like to thank and congratulate the residents of the Aristotelis municipality, who moved into action the minute they got informed about the family’s ordeal. More specifically, the charitable organization “Ensinesthisi”, in collaboration with the local administration of the Aristotelis municipality and the Metropolis of Ierissos, Agion Oros and Ardamerion, managed to gather, thanks to all the residents of the area, the sum of 22.303,81 Euros, which so kindly offered for Maria’s aid campaign.
    On behalf of Maria’s family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining support! Your love and compassion has given strength to this family, who are now ready to embark upon this journey of life!
    We truly hope that everything goes well and that the little girl soon wins the battle and returns home!
    We will stand by her side for as long as needed!

  • 21-04-2023

    Packing bags for her life-changing journey!

    Toys, stuffed animals and all other essentials have been already packed, since our beloved Maria and her mother will be soon departing for their trip to Paris. Thanks to the support of all of you out there, the little girl from Ouranoupoli of Chalcidice, got the chance to embark on this life-changing journey.
    Now is the time to fight the greatest battle of her life, while we are all confident she’ll come out a winner!
    Tomorrow, mother and daughter will be flying to France, while the little girl will be immediately admitted to the hospital of Paris, in order to be subjected to this life-saving surgery, which will be performed by a team of specialized surgeons.
    We hope that everything goes well, while we’ll be anxiously waiting for an update. We are wishing little Maria and her mother Elisavet the best of luck! Our thoughts and prayers are always with you!

  • 11-05-2023

    Little Maria’s surgery was a complete success!

    Maria from Ouranoupoli was recently subjected to a surgery that was performed in a clinic of Paris and according to the specialized surgical team who took on this challenging case, everything went well, since they managed to remove the ganglioneuroblastoma, without damaging the surrounding nerves and vessels.
    From the moment we got informed about Maria’s case, we did everything in our power in order to send this little angel to Paris. Thanks to the initiative and direct action of the Association Charitable Voluntary Actions Empathy, the moving mobilization of the local community of the Municipality of Aristotle Halkidiki, as well as thousands of people from all over Greece and abroad, we have managed, in just a few days, to achieve the unachievable! Maria’s parents are extremely grateful to all of you, for everything you have done for their little girl. They were in despair, however your love and compassion have given them great strength and courage!
    Currently, Maria is recovering from the surgery, while she will have to stay in the hospital for many more days, in order to be subjected to the required post-op tests. Our beloved Maria is a fighter and we are confident that she will have a speedy recovery and will soon return to Greece as a winner! We will stand by this family’s side for everything they might need, while keeping you updated on any development.
    Once more, we have proven that when we join forces, we can achieve everything!
    Thank you.


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